
Storage Commander Cloud-based Desktop Client

Please install this additional file if you are installing on a new machine.

! Note: Please shut down Storage Commander before installing any updates.

The 5.35 desktop client will automatically update to the latest release.

New Features and Changes

  • Automatic updates now checks for updates every 15 minutes (previously was only when the program was opened).
  • Storage Commander will check to see if any windows are open before running automatic updates.
  • Fixed an issue where the Move In window would not open when trying to do a move-in from the map.
  • Expanded customer email field length from 50 to 512.
  • Fixed issue where the transfer would not move over the vehicle information.
  • Fixed issue where the transfer would not move over the unit inventory information.
  • Fixed issue where the Military branch field was showing on the Employer tab. This field is not used for Employers, so the field is now hidden.
  • Fixed issue where the transfer would not remove the old unit from the Customer/Units list immediately after the transfer.
  • Recalculate happens automatically now. Fixes issues where the wrong transactions are recorded.
  • Automatic updates now displays the release notes during the update process.